- Adam Bradley, ‘Storytelling’, in Book of Rhymes (Basic Books, 2009). I posted the PDF in the #general channel on our Discord server. And for all the quiet folks: here’s another chance to work on your class participation grade. If you know of a song from the last 10-15 years that supports Bradley’s claim of a ‘non-linear narrative revolution’, post about it in the #discography channel. Close readings and detailed references to the syllabus are always welcome.
- Video: Review ‘Ghostface Killah Crowns Best Storytelling Rap Song | Complex Brackets’, Complex (20 October 2021). We touched on this video in general last class, but let’s see if we can’t zoom in on a couple of specific moments this time.
In Class
- Attendance
- Q&A: Where have all the storytellers gone?
- Reading Notes for Next Time